Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Date: 8th November 2008
Link to the news

This next post is a bit weird but very surprising + interesting. This article is about a thief who sent ‘sorry’ letter to a shop. Imran Ahmed who owed Raja’s Food was stunned to open the remorseful letter. The letter was enclosed with £100 to pay 400 cigarettes that the thief stolen from the shop about 7 years ago (2001). The thief said he is a former drug’s addict who has a mess life. He also wrote that he got the chance to steal the cigarettes when he saw someone had broken into the shop late one night. Now he is paying all his wrong doings and wants to start a new life.

Well, this is good news. I don’t think many stealers out there would have this gut. We should congrats to this brave thief for his efforts to change. Yeeaahhh!! *clapping* if this behaviour were taken by somebody else, this world will obviously would works peacefully. I hope this generous behavior will be followed and would be taken as example.

To: the thief who conscious of his own conduct
You have done pretty awesome thing, man! I admired your honesty and your gut! I hope what you have trying to put things right will bring you a great outcome. I know it isn’t easy to confront everything that we did in the past and everyone surrounding us but just hang there, buddy! You’ll get through it.. All the best for you!


Ms. Sheena said...

I'm pleased with your work so far Wasilah, I hope you're enjoying GP class too. Keep it up :)

(marks: 17/20)

david santos said...

Happy Lunar New Year!!!!!